巴科羅跳島!Lakawon & The Ruins之旅


這次坐在咖啡廳裡頭,突然被越南同學cue說要不要去Lakawon,第一次聽到時還真的萬丈金剛摸不著頭緒,那到底是哪裡阿?細問之後才知道是位在巴科羅北方的一個小島,接著就是帶錢等著越南人發落就對了,而她們一早就租好了一台吉普尼在學校外頭等待著,一路搭了快兩小時的車,說實在的咖稱都快坐到爆掉了,畢竟省錢的旅遊就是一個挨著一個的盡量擠在一個小空間裡頭,而一台車的租用費用是2800 pesos來回,加上船票與入島費310 pesos,含一堆有的沒的,總之交給了越南人900 pesos就解決了今天的一日遊了,覺得很划算!

My friends hang me out to Lakawon island, it is a small island located in the north of Bacolod. If you wanna go by yourself you will give up the plan soon because you must ride a taxi or transfer many times by jeepney to the  Ceres North Terminal then ride a tricycle to the port.  After you pay the entrance fees and the return ticket of the boat you will get a card instead of money on the island.

All the things were handled by the Vietnamese classmates, they rent a jeepney and plan everything for us I just need to answer I want to join or not what the lucky to me. Our one day trip includes return jeepney, the fees of Lakawon, the meals on the island and the entrance ticky of the Ruins and I only need to pay 900 pesos.

It was so affordable price to have a day trip and do not need to do anything. And the important thing is I was enjoyed on that trip.








The Ruins in Talisay

位在巴科羅城市一小時車程的地方有個景點叫做The Ruins,直翻成中文就是廢墟,這是一個西班牙人Don Mariano Lacson,為了展現愛情的地方,他和老婆共育有10個小孩,在第11個即將出世的時候,因為車禍導致老婆驚嚇而意外死亡,為此決定蓋了一棟大樓紀念,可惜1920年建好在1942年就因為二次世界大戰燒毀了。


The Ruins, the owner is Don Mariano Lacson, he and his wife had 10 children. In 1911, his wife sudden death because of his car accident during her 11th pregnancy. He decided to build a mansion in remembrance of his dear wife.  The Ruins, or the Nutsberry Garden, was built in 1920 but was burned in 1942 due to World War II.

Now it is a spot when you visit Talisay, you also can have a wedding here. In my view, the building was built with love, but it is really a ruin now.



All the details are in video just push the botton to start.







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