BECI遊學日誌|碧瑤必去的十個地方.The Top 10 Tourist Spots in Baguio

BECI遊學日誌|碧瑤必去的十個地方.The Top 10 Tourist Spots in Baguio


What is pity if you miss these places while study in Baguio.



Burnham Park

This is where the most famous man made lake in Baguio city is located. The park was named after an American architect. Local people usually exercise, take a walk, ride a boat, rent bikes to ride and have picnics. While taking a walk here, you can also can buy ice cream and cotton candy from street vendors.

這裡是碧瑤最熱門的一個擁有人造湖的公園,唯一的夜市就在這旁邊,命名的由來是美國建築師的名字,當地人會來這裡運動散步、划船、租腳踏車,甚至可以在這裡吃冰淇淋和買棉花糖,是一個非常美麗讓人感到放鬆的地方,而且這裡的遊樂設施醜到非常讓人療癒,在這裡學到了一個新的單字“hideous”形容super ugly,醜到不行的單字。

BECI遊學日誌|碧瑤必去的十個地方.The Top 10 Tourist Spots in Baguio - nurseilife.ccBECI遊學日誌|碧瑤必去的十個地方.The Top 10 Tourist Spots in Baguio -









The Mansion

This century old place is like the white house in America. And this is the official summer palace of the president of the Philippines. Have a chance to have a look at the most photographed part of the place, which was once reported to be a replica of the Buckingham Palace gates. It is very near the Wright Park where you can ride horses around after passing through a trail of tall pine trees.




Mines view park

If you haven’t been here, you’ve never been in Baguio. Cause this spot is popular. Besides admiring a good view, there are so many local foods you can taste and many souvenir shops where you can look around. People come here to take scenic pictures and enjoy street foods. If you are buying souvenirs, don’t forget to buy coconut candies.










SM city Baguio

“Where are you?” If you ask students in BECI, they will tell you “in SM”.

This great architectural building is a one-stop shopping Mall on Session Road. Just like a department store & a supermarket, everything you completely want to shop is available. And the price is cheap, too!




Night market

Absolutely, there is night market in Baguio. It’s nearby Burnham park and opens at 9pm every day of the week. There are second hand clothes, shoes, souvenirs and street foods everywhere… The price of clothes ranges from 50p to 250p, depending on what you want to buy. If you want to try a local food, “Balut” is especially, challengingly recommended for you. It can be bought from street vendors carrying baskets near the night market. 

這是碧瑤唯一的夜市,位在Burnham park附近,每天從9點開始陸續有攤販聚集,但如果說真的要來逛最好是晚上10點再來,會比較熱鬧一點,這裡販賣的商品除了地道的街頭食物,還有二手衣、拖鞋、鞋子等,價格從50~250批索不等,若是真的要嘗當地的地道食物“Balut”絕對是首選,但你要有一定的膽量才會去嘗試。



Camp John Hay Starbucks

What is its difference from Starbucks in downtown Baguio? The coffee is absolutely the same, but the shop is very special. It was built by an American soldier during the Second World War. A place where you can expect more than their aromatic, freshly-roasted coffee beans. It is a very comfy place for a chat, a meeting or for work. This area was Bacara resort before, pine trail, golf course, mall…ect. You can even buy American’s products at their supermarket.

大家都知道Starbucks,但如果說到碧瑤的Starbucks和其他地方有什麼不同,你一定要來Camp John Hay這裡,因為這裡的Starbucks所在的店鋪,是二次世界大戰美國士兵留下來的,說到菲律賓的歷史是很有趣的,碧瑤先後被西班牙、日本、美國統治,所以官方語言Tagalog會有特別的捲舌抖音,煮飯的方式是類似日本的烹調法,然後英語是第二語言。

而Camp John Hay這邊,除了有特別的Starbucks以外,美麗的松葉林步道加上一些美國人留下來的老木屋,這裡有高爾夫球場、漆彈場,還有美國超市,裡頭販賣的都是來自美國的商品,有點像小型的Costco。










Mt. Ulap

If you want to do some exercise like hiking,the Mt. Ulap absolutely is a good choose.



Good Taste Cafe & Restaurant

With so many restaurants in Baguio, what’s most popular that people will tell you when you asked them is Good Taste Cafe & Restaurant. There are two Good Taste Cafe & Restaurant in Baguio, one which near Burnham Park has six floors. A great place for a birthday, farewell and wedding parties. They have a long list of food, which means you can choose not only cheap but also abundant and delicious food on the menu. This is the reason why the restaurant is famous in Baguio city. 





Hardin Resto / Cafe

If you want to have a sip and listen to live singers even sing a song,this place is right for you.BECI students almost know here,and this building has three floors,you can have a drink at third floor. After drink you  can go to dancing at second floor.




If you want to have a drink and need a place to chat with friends, this place is right for you. This bar is on Session Road and near the night market.  and is a gay bar also. No noisy music and no dancing. Come here and have a seat at their alluring, old-school ambiance. Let yourself just relax and have a sip of their wide range of affordable drinks.



Albertos bar

In the heart of the city is this bar, opened about 15 years ago. You can listen to live singers and even request songs of your liking. Guest bands from Manila even frequent this place for more entertainment. If you are into dancing, you can dance your heart out with their upbeat songs. The high atmosphere and great food are reasons why the bar is a famous one here.



看到這一些還會覺得選碧瑤很無聊嗎?除了以上介紹的這一些,在BECI這邊讀書還會去Banaue與Sagada,甚至可以跳島去Hundred islands,愛玩的話,來讀書一定要認識韓國同學,每個禮拜都有新活動阿~








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