但其實事實就是人家不僅很會玩還很會讀書,而且很會享受遊學的生活,團體課的韓國同學在假日拿了本書直接到SM 的Starbucks坐下來,享受一個有冷氣又有氛圍的自修時光,而越南同學的IG或者這一次領路外出用餐,都會發現學霸不僅成績好,真的很會享受在國外的日子,重點是很捨得花錢。
To have fun is the main factor to study in abroad. I met many star students are both studies hard and have wheels on the fun. They really know how to enjoy life during study English in the Philippines. I saw their colorful life on their Instagram and learn to make my life also colorful. Maybe someone will say you are already colorful to me, but to learn something from others is not a bad thing.
And this time I wanna share is I hang out by Vietnamese friends a story about going to a restaurant and the experience of ride tricycle.
Bacolod 18th St.Palapala Seafood Grill & Restaurant
地址:Aguinaldo St., Cor 18th St., Brgy. 4, Bacolod, 6100 Negros Occidental
不得說這一家海鮮餐廳真的很推,有點像在台灣海港點海鮮的方式,選擇你要的食材確認價錢和作法後,就可以回到座位上安心等餐了,而且你也不用怕價格會太高或者是怎樣,以一瓶爆肝喝的瓶酒才收60 pesos來說,真的很佛心,加上我們這桌點了還算可以的一餐,才1090 pesos,在台灣吃個海鮮餐有台幣160元左右的事嗎?對我來說真的是一個全新的經驗。
Actually, I thought we will have Vietnamese cuisine, but they changed their mind and we had seafood at the time. Every car was sticking in the traffic jam, so we decided who first arrived and order first. 20 persons are separated for 5 tables, there were different meals on each table. The restaurant has a menu and you also can choose fresh seafood from a freezer bar. The cost depends on what kind of seafood you chose and the weight it is after you confirmed you also can choose the way to cook like steam, BBQ, or grill. You can look at our dishes the price is 1090 pesos, although we ordered were not rich but the price also affordable.

We took a taxi to the restaurant and want to ride jeepney back to our academy. There is no more jeepney, but we want to save money especially at the time after a feast. It seems only has tricycle we can choose to ride after the bargain one person 20 pesos to the academy. And the video is our story just push the button to start!
GlobalWiFi 8折